In accelerating urbanisation and climate change mitigations in our cities, it is crucial to concurrently develop competencies of both the industries and governments in managing these mitigation efforts.
In accelerating urbanisation and climate change mitigations in our cities, it is crucial to concurrently develop competencies of both the industries and governments in managing these mitigation efforts. Areas of new competencies for governments lies in both operational and developmental aspects of the State and City Governance. Operational aspects of governance involve new forward looking policies and new governance for smart and green initiatives.
In meeting future challenges, States and Cities also need to develop its developmental plan in a holistic and integrated manner through Smart and Sustainable City Blueprint. CITYNEXUS collaborates with the State and City Governments in developing such blueprint. This blueprint will not only be the document to support city planning, but also as reference document to private sector in their business planning. Funding is one of the key success factor of this blueprint to support the implementation of its short and medium terms plans. In order to have access to capital markets and attract private sector investments, State and City Governments also need to strengthen its credit worthiness through credible fiscal and financial managements respectively.
For its environmental management, more cities embark on the Baseline Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Inventories in order to have visibility on the key emitting areas, developing mitigation plans and periodic monitoring on the emissions for reporting. To oversee the implementation and monitoring of the city blueprints, CITYNEXUS also supports State and City Governments in the creation of Program Delivery Office and developing its operational model and roll-out plan. For effective implementation, the component of this office need to be driven under a private-public partnership model, instead of government centric.
Municipal Finance + Credit Worthiness
The intensified urban challenges have led cities to source for alternative funds instead of fully dependent to the Federal Governments. However, in attracting these funds and investments, the State and City Governments also need to strengthen their Fiscal and Financial Managements. One of the approach often undertaken is to organise a periodic Shadow Credit Rating to access their Credit Worthiness to prospective investors. For more information, kindly Contact Us.
Baseline GHG Emission Inventories
Baseline Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Inventories is an important exercise to be undertaken by the State and City Governments in order to provide authoritative guidance on the emission pollutions accurately and consistently. It provides visibility on where the GHG emissions come from and incorporate the necessary reduction strategies and mitigations action plans in the State and City level Blueprints. The GHG assessment is guided by a Global Protocol on the Large-Scale Emissions Accounting promoted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For more information, kindly Contact Us.