As cities are increasingly urbanised, the challenges continue to intensify. It is therefore crucial for cities to develop their own Smart City Blueprints as important reference document to systematically address these challenges for future planning of governments, private sectors and academia
OVERVIEW - As cities are increasingly urbanised, the challenges on sufficient housing, public facilities, waste management and mobility, continue to intensify. Despite cities having the authority on city governance, cities are constrained with resources to mitigate these challenges on their own. It is therefore crucial, for cities to partner with private sectors who are equipped with enabling technologies and supporting funding sources.
POLICY - In setting-up and realising a common vision to this partnership, it is therefore crucial for cities to develop their own Smart City Blueprint. This blueprint is an important reference document for implementation by the city stakeholders involving government, private sectors, academia and city communities. Other equally important enabling policy is Open Data Policy. This policy is important to facilitate information and data access to the private sectors for greater city insights and coming up with new solutions to support city growth.
SYSTEMISING IMPLEMENTATION - Cities with such Blueprints and combined with systemised implementation, have greater tendency to progress further in making it a liveable and vibrant city to live. This blueprints normally include strategic framework, strategies, implementation framework, actions plans, indicators and governance. The success of this effort often in the partnership and business models between cities and private sectors.
Smart City Blueprint is an essential document to realise the State and City level smart aspirations into the future. It consists of its vision, strategic framework, implementation framework, indicators, private sector partnership, enablers, funding and governance. For more info, Contact Us.
Open Data Policy is an important enabler to implement Smart Cities. It consists of strategies, public data sharing, open data portal, data categories and implementation governance. The level of openness of city data will influence level of innovation to support the growth of cities through new city solutions.
The leadership of Platform Technology players is key in driving the growth of Smart Cities. They are visionary, nation-building and strategic in nature. They develop technology platform where big data are integrated, analysed and visualised, combined with Artificial Intelligence to support city predictive planning. Such capabilities will be of high value to cities in synergising the overall smart city ecosystem. Platform Technology players are therefore important strategic partners to cities. CITYNEXUS continuously scouts and partners with these players in jointly implementing the Smart City agenda.
Smart City is a vast ecosystem that covers all aspects of a city. In implementing such agenda, cities need to be systemised into several functional layers to form a smart ecosystem. With such layers, the management of various stakeholders in multiple contents will be more effective to support implementation.
Smart City Blueprints
Open Data Policy
Smart City Platform Technologies
Smart City Ecosystem
Smart City Implementation Framework
As Smart City involves multiple contents with multiple stakeholders, its implementation need to be guided through a systemised framework to ensure early tangible results. The holistic and integrated approach is also important to provide an inclusive and shared benefits to the city communities. Such framework will also facilitates projects coordination, monitoring and reporting on implementation progress. For further info on developing the Implementation Framework, kindly Contact Us.