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Networking Event

GLOBAL CHALLENGES TO ALL - On 26 September 2015, the United Nations launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to address key global challenges including urbanisation and climate change . SDG 11  focuses on Sustainable Cities and Communities. These scenario has led to a global ‘rat race’ in accelerating the adoption of new technologies to mitigate these challenges.


SUSTAINABLE  FUTURE FOR ALL - In ensuring a more sustainable future, there is a need to adopt a holistic and integrated approach in multiple aspects of cities involving  Economic, Environment, Social and  Governance  with Innovation as catalyst for growth. This data-driven  integration is crucial to provide improved visibility for more forward looking and predictive decision making and planning  for cities.


OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL - These urban challenges have presented the private sector with new market opportunities in partnership with cities, through investments and deployments of strategic technologies.  These  technologies provide opportunities for the creation of new techno-based industries, related to digital  and green technology in order to transform cities, to be smarter and greener, as well as  producing home grown global prospect companies.



Holistic + Integrated Approach

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